Friday, June 7, 2013

Teacher's gift

Surprisingly (not) I like the idea of home made gifts. I don't always have time (or enthusiasm) to make them, but other times my mission becomes to surprise someone with a thoughtful and meaningful gift. LoLo's teachers were great all year around. LoLo loves the entire class including children and teachers (dress up corner, car tracks and worms from the garden - as for Lola - very much) and so I thought it would be nice to make a gift for the teachers from the entire class.

Recently, I've been productively using and getting addicted to Pinterest. Considering I didn't even understand the reason why one would want to have a Pinterest account at first, I turned 360 on the issue. I now have my lifelong craft plan cut out and I just fulfilled one ambition from the list.

I stumbled upon sharpie projects on porcelain. "Just draw on the plate/mug/vase with a sharpie marker, stick it in the oven at 350 F for 30 minutes and it will be done" were the instructions on most sites. Among many talents I seem to have, drawing is not one of them though, hence I like handprints, fingerprints and any other form of art where I do not actually have to use a brush. The idea was born! Fingerprints on a mug for the last day of school from the entire class!

We made three mugs - red, purple and a green one for the three wonderful teachers: Beth, Daisy and Nicole.

Besides the fact that they are just wonderful, any teacher who sends out this note below deserves a caterpillar mug :))))


Hi Families,

Just a quick note.  If the children mention a flood or water in the classroom, this morning (Monday) water came into the classroom from the street. The children did not get wet and we quickly got it under control.  We pretended we were on a submarine and a boat.  We ate our snack on the dry rug pretending it was a picnic.




The children in the class loved the idea of a "secret" project .. although I am not sure how long it took for someone to make it "not so secret" :)))

And here is me playing still life photographer ... 

It was so much fun making the mugs.
This could also be a great father's/mother's day gift. 

Night night, Lo(lo)V(i)e from us all, 

LV xox


  1. Love these! Question: how did you make the fingerprints? (what ink was used?)


  2. I used a standard sharpie. Painted the kids fingers with it and used wet wipes to take it off - though it does take a few hand washes for the sharpie to come off completely!
