Thursday, September 6, 2012

Dish towel to Toddler apron

Sometimes you have to go great lengths and a lot of work to make a wonderful project. Well, those are the kinds of projects I don't often make. I wrote "often" only because the quilt I am making LoLo from their old clothes is that kind of a thing, BUT generally speaking I love quick, fast and impressive creations, such as this toddler apron.  (Sorry for the self-impressive - I am impressed :))))

Neha rengeteg munka es ido gyumolcse a keszulendo targy. Na, az ilyeneket en probalom kerulni, bar a quiltek amiket LoLo 3 evi ruhajabol varrom majd az egy ilyen projekt. De ugy altalaban: az egyszeru, gyors es szep kreaciokat kedvelem. Olyanokat, mint peldaul ez a gyerekeknek "szabott" (mert nem szabott :) koteny. 

I bought three lemon print dish towels at Target for 3.50 USD each (I think). 
Held it up to LoLo for the 3 seconds that they can stand still and decided the height where I wanted the apron to reach. 
Took my mat, rotary cutter and randomly cut off a triangle. 
I folded the dish towel  apron in half and cut the other side equally.
I cut off the bottom but, hemmed most of it so I can take it down in the future as LoLo grows ...
I sewn on the four strings and tadaaaaaa .... 
Well, I also added the pocket. (London's is stuffed with change so that's why it's not nice and neat.)
The pocket is pretty self-explanatory ... I used printable cotton for the name.

Egy itteni boltban vettem harom kiarusitason levo konyharuhat. 
Ratettem LoLora, kihasznalva azt a harom masodpercet amig meg tudnak egy helyben allni es megjeloltem hogy kb. hol akarom a koteny kezdetet.  
Aztan fogtam a quiltes vagomat es egy haromszoget vagtam az oldalaba.
Felbe hajtottam a konyharuhat  kotenyt es egy ugyanolyan haromszoget vagtam a masik oldalra is. 
Az alljabol is vagtam le, de csak annyit, hogy a jovoben majd le tudjak belole hajtani ahogy LoLo noddogel. 
Felvarrtam ra a kotoket es tadaaddaaaa kesz is lett volna, ha nem akarok egy zsebet is. 
(Londone a kepen ki van tomve penzzel azert ilyen gyurodt :)
A zseb igazan konnyu .. talan csak annyi, hogy nyomtathato anyagot hasznaltam a feliratra. Nem tudom "otthon" lehet-e kapni, de ha nem, allitolag kemenyito spray-el kell befujni eloszor az anyagot es aztan festekes nyomdan nyomtatni. Szerintem mukodik ... 

LoLo in theirr aprons after the gig ... if you'd like to read our lemonade story and get your hands on some free lemonade stand printables, click HERE ... 

LoLo kotenyestul ... es ha meg nem olvastad a limonade sztorit vagy szeretnel nyomtathato limonades papirdiszeket, akkor IDE klikk ...  

Our next lemonade stand is coming up in October and it will most likely have the SURPRISEEEEE :) pumpkin theme .. Any lemon-pumpkin recipes out there? 

A kovetkezo limonade standunkat Oktober elejere tervezzuk, de most citrom es MEGLEPETEEES :) khmmm tok temara .. Jaj, ez magyarul meg rosszabbul hangzik mint angolul :))) Citrom-tok receptek valahol - valakinel?

LO(lo)V(i)E to all, Happy Fall! 


P.S. You can like me on Facebook and Nip me on Pinterest (Just need to do some web updating soon) 

 Linked up at The 36th Avenue  

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