Saturday, September 29, 2012

Letter of the week A ...

LoLo are learning the alphabet! Well, sort of. They can recognize the L for "Lola" or "London" or "lobby", as well as a few others. Recently, they have been showing a lot of interest in drawing letters and asking me which letter was which. Seeing their enthusiasm, I thought of a game to make letters even more interesting. I asked friends on Facebook and "LoLovie likers" to take a photo of their own A. I know it's not an original concept, but finding letters in nature and/or building them can be a lot of fun for everyone.

LoLo tanulja az ABC-t. Na jo, ez igy nem igaz. Inkabb csak kezdenek felismerni par betut, mint peldaul az L-t mint "Lola" vagy "London" vagy mint "lobby".  Sokszor kerdezik, hogy milyen betu ez vagy az, es gyakran hozzak a girbe-gorbe szines irkafirkakat buszken mutatva milyen "betut" alkottak eppen. Latvan, hogy mennyire erdekli Oket a betuk vilaga, gondoltam kitalalok egy jatekot ami altal meg jobban megismerkednek az ABC-vel. Megkertem a Facebook-os ismeroseimet, barataimat hogy csinaljanak fotot az O sajat A-jukrol. Tudom, ez nem egy uj jatek, de megis nagyon szorakoztato mindenkinek felfedezni a betuket a termeszetben, vagy epiteni/kesziteni oket.  

Being tagged in a photo with a letter was like opening Christmas gifts one by one. I loved seeing the letters from different environments and different walks of life. Some A's were straight from the nature, others were self-expressions and yet others random finds.

Amikor valaki bejelolt egy-egy A's kepen a Facebookon olyan volt mindig mint karacsonyi ajandekokat bontagatni. Kivancsi voltam kinek, merre kalandozott a fantaziaja. Nehany A betu ugy volt felfedezve a termeszetben, mas A betuk fantazia szulemenyei voltak vagy egyszeruen veletlen lelemenyek.

At first I just wanted to make a collage of the photos and use it as a discussion topic with LoLo , but the more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea of a personalized alphabet book. There are many available in stores, but none that would be put together (unknowingly) by my friends :). (Yes, you have no rights to your photos I am afraid. They are now part of LoLo's library :)

Eloszor egy kep kolazst akartam kesziteni a sok fotobol felhasznalva LoLos tanacskozasaink kozben :), de kesobb arra gondoltam, milyen jo lenne egy ABC konyvet kesziteni a betukbol. Sok hasonlo konyvet lehet kapni a boltokban, de egyet sem olyat, amilyet (tudatlanul) a barataink keszitettek volna.  A kepek mostantol LoLo konyvtara egy resze :). 

Oh and how much can you really talk about a single letter?
A LOT! Because as you know, behind every photo, there is a camera and behind every camera, there is a person that made the photo happen, so THANK YOU! Please, keep the letters coming. The fun is just about to start and we have many more letters to work with :)

Valojaban mennyit lehet egyetlen egy beturol meselni?
SOKAT! Mert ahogy tudjatok, minden betu mogott ott van egy fenykepezogep, es minden fenykepezogep mogott ott van valaki, aki a kepet keszitette. KOSZI! Most kezdhetjuk a B betut gyujteni es kerek mindenkit, ne hagyja abba a betuk kereseset/kesziteset/fotozasat, mert az ABC-ben meg sok sok erdekes betu megtalalhato es a moka meg csak most kezdodik! :)  

I hope you like it! Remelen tetszik! 

Have a nice weekend everyone and the letter of the next week is B! L(ol)OB(i)E, LB (;) 

Kellemes hetveget mindenkinek, LB :) 


Friday, September 14, 2012

Pay Less or Dolce Gabbana?

I am such a girlie girl! I love everything that shines, sparkles and pink. I notice that entering a clothing  store I beeline to items with above mentioned qualities. No wonder then, that when I discovered a pair of sparkly DIY shoes on Love Maegan, I needed to have them, make them, wear them right away! 

Mar kiskoromtol fogva vonzott mindig minden ami csillog-villog, fenylig vagy rozsaszin. Ezek azok a ruhak amiket a ruhaboltokban eszreveszek, megprobalok, megveszek. Nem is csoda igy, hogy amikor megtalaltam "Love Maegan" sajatkezuleg diszitett csillogos aranycipoit a neten, rogton szuksegerzetem tamadt. "Hogy tudok en ilyen cipo nelkul letezni?" :)))

I didn't want to spend too much money on an experimental project, so I went to Payless and bought a pair of heels for 17 USD on sale. I also bought gold sequins ribbon from MJ trimmings and sequins glue.

Nem akartam tul sok penzt kiadni egy ilyen kiserletert, igy vettem magamnak egy 17 dollaros ocskacipot, flitteres aranyszalagot es flitter-ragasztot. 

Then I started gluing around and around until the shoe was completely filled. I took some loose sequins to fill gaps here and there. I also purchased some loose colorful clear color beads that I glued on here and there. Then came the surprise! The washing machine unexpectedly produced a "glass" yellow heart. I have no idea where it came from, but have a suspicion that one of Lola's dolls must have had it sewn on on their dress. I took it and glued that one on also :) You can see it on my right foot on the photo. That's it! It's this easy!

Miutan osszeszedtem az osszes kellekemet, elkezdtem ragasztani a csillogo szalagot korbe, korbe egeszen addig, amig a cipo szurke felulete at nem valtozott csillogos arannya - akarcsak a mesekben. Az aranyszalagon kivul vettem meg kulonallo csillogos, atlatszo gyongyoket (amiknek lapos a hatlapjuk) es azokat is ide-oda ragasztottam a cipore.  Mivel en minding multi-taskingolok (ez ugye nem magyarul volt? :) kozben mostam es amikor atraktam volna a sok ruhat a szaritoba, meglepetesemre egy gyongy gurult ki a ruhakupacbol. Ez az a sarga szivecske ami a jobb labamon lathato. Fogalmam sincs honnet gurult ki - csak gyanitom, hogy Lola babaja ruhajanak lehetett a disze.  Na fogtam magamat es azt is raragasztoztam a cipellore ... 

This is the Elvi version of the shoe, the Dolce Gabbana (not the 20 USD kind) is right here on Katie Holmes. And for Maegan's version of the shoe CLICK HERE

Ez az Elvi valtozata a ciponek, a Dolce Gabbana valtozata ime a kepen Katie Holmes-on. 
Maegan cipoje pedig ITT

A few more pictures of THE shoes ... 

Meg par foto a cipelloimrol ... 

And here are the shoes (and hubby) in use on a terrible quality photo .. but you get the idea ... :) I have to say that these shoes are a real statement. I can't tell you how many people asked me where I bought them and I can't tell you how good it feels to say "I made them myself" .. then of course I have to explain that I am not a cobbler and all I really did was glue a bunch of shiny sequins on it ... I am thinking about making another shoe for my Halloween costume in pink. 
Let's vote: Your shoes pointy or round?
(I vote round)

Ime a hasznalatban-levo cipok egy nagyon rossz minosegu foton. Mar tobbszor felvettem es mindig rengetegen megallitanak az utcan, hogy hol vettem a cipoimet. En meg buszken mondom hogy "OO hat en keszitettem!" ... persze aztan el kell magyaraznom hogy valojaban nem en varrtam a cipot, hanem csak ossze-vissza ragasztottam. Azon gondolkozom, hogy Halloweenre csinalok meg egyet rozsaszin valtozatban ... az is biztosan jol nezne ki ... 
Szavazzunk: Hegyes vagy gombolyu orru cipo a kedvenced? 
(Szamomra gombolyu)

Lo(lo)V(i)E to you all, LV

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Dish towel to Toddler apron

Sometimes you have to go great lengths and a lot of work to make a wonderful project. Well, those are the kinds of projects I don't often make. I wrote "often" only because the quilt I am making LoLo from their old clothes is that kind of a thing, BUT generally speaking I love quick, fast and impressive creations, such as this toddler apron.  (Sorry for the self-impressive - I am impressed :))))

Neha rengeteg munka es ido gyumolcse a keszulendo targy. Na, az ilyeneket en probalom kerulni, bar a quiltek amiket LoLo 3 evi ruhajabol varrom majd az egy ilyen projekt. De ugy altalaban: az egyszeru, gyors es szep kreaciokat kedvelem. Olyanokat, mint peldaul ez a gyerekeknek "szabott" (mert nem szabott :) koteny. 

I bought three lemon print dish towels at Target for 3.50 USD each (I think). 
Held it up to LoLo for the 3 seconds that they can stand still and decided the height where I wanted the apron to reach. 
Took my mat, rotary cutter and randomly cut off a triangle. 
I folded the dish towel  apron in half and cut the other side equally.
I cut off the bottom but, hemmed most of it so I can take it down in the future as LoLo grows ...
I sewn on the four strings and tadaaaaaa .... 
Well, I also added the pocket. (London's is stuffed with change so that's why it's not nice and neat.)
The pocket is pretty self-explanatory ... I used printable cotton for the name.

Egy itteni boltban vettem harom kiarusitason levo konyharuhat. 
Ratettem LoLora, kihasznalva azt a harom masodpercet amig meg tudnak egy helyben allni es megjeloltem hogy kb. hol akarom a koteny kezdetet.  
Aztan fogtam a quiltes vagomat es egy haromszoget vagtam az oldalaba.
Felbe hajtottam a konyharuhat  kotenyt es egy ugyanolyan haromszoget vagtam a masik oldalra is. 
Az alljabol is vagtam le, de csak annyit, hogy a jovoben majd le tudjak belole hajtani ahogy LoLo noddogel. 
Felvarrtam ra a kotoket es tadaaddaaaa kesz is lett volna, ha nem akarok egy zsebet is. 
(Londone a kepen ki van tomve penzzel azert ilyen gyurodt :)
A zseb igazan konnyu .. talan csak annyi, hogy nyomtathato anyagot hasznaltam a feliratra. Nem tudom "otthon" lehet-e kapni, de ha nem, allitolag kemenyito spray-el kell befujni eloszor az anyagot es aztan festekes nyomdan nyomtatni. Szerintem mukodik ... 

LoLo in theirr aprons after the gig ... if you'd like to read our lemonade story and get your hands on some free lemonade stand printables, click HERE ... 

LoLo kotenyestul ... es ha meg nem olvastad a limonade sztorit vagy szeretnel nyomtathato limonades papirdiszeket, akkor IDE klikk ...  

Our next lemonade stand is coming up in October and it will most likely have the SURPRISEEEEE :) pumpkin theme .. Any lemon-pumpkin recipes out there? 

A kovetkezo limonade standunkat Oktober elejere tervezzuk, de most citrom es MEGLEPETEEES :) khmmm tok temara .. Jaj, ez magyarul meg rosszabbul hangzik mint angolul :))) Citrom-tok receptek valahol - valakinel?

LO(lo)V(i)E to all, Happy Fall! 


P.S. You can like me on Facebook and Nip me on Pinterest (Just need to do some web updating soon) 

 Linked up at The 36th Avenue