Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Cupcake liner angels Christmas ornaments by Elvi

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here and this year I decided to decorate our tree with cupcake liner decorations mostly. I saw the cupcake owls in Parents magazine and while making the owls with LoLo, the idea of a cupcake liner angel came to me. I made one and it came out so cute, I had to make an entire army of angels for this year's tree ...

Hamarosan itt vannak az unnepek es ebben az evben ugy dontottem, hogy a karacsonyfat muffin papirkakkal diszitem. Egy amerikai magazinban lattam az efele baglyokat, es mikozben LoLoval keszitettuk a nagyszemu madarakat, azon gondolkoztam hogy mast is lehet ugyanigy csinalni. Igy szuletett meg a muffinpapir angyalka. Az iden megprobalom majdnem kizarolagosan muffin papirral disziteni a fat, bar biztosan nem tudom kihagyni majd az elso LoLo szullinapos kepeslapjaibol keszulteket sem ...

What you need: 
cupcake liners - any colors and sizes 
a few spools of one sided scotch tape 
a toilet paper roll 
a ping-pong ball
wool for hair 
silver or gold pipe cleaner for a halo
glue gun, glue, markers 

muffin papirkak 
cellux ragaszto 
WC papir guriga (papir nelkul)
ping-pong labda
fonal hajnak 
ezust agy arany drot 

Fold cupcake liners in quarters and stick to the tube one by one. Once the first round is done, carry on with the second row as on the photo. The two rows of liners will create the angel's skirt. Fold liners in half for the upper part of the body and glue with clear tape. When done, pinch the top of the tube so that you have four pinched corners evenly on the tube (neck part), glue-gun together holding all corners tight together and glue dries. Loop wool and tie in one place, glue to the ball ... The rest is pretty self-explanatory. Glue a bow on the angel as a final touch.  .... 

A papirkakat negyedre kell hajtogatni, aztan egyenkent felragasztani a gurigara ket szinten korbe, korbe. A harmadik sorban mar csak felbe hajtogatott papirkakat ragasztunk a "testre". Mikor elerunk a nyakaig, negy egyforma csipessel osszeragasztjuk a nyak reszet. Itt egy kicsit varni kell, mig meg nem szarad a ragaszto. Mikor kesz, elkeszitjuk a hajat es rogzitjuk ragasztopisztollyal. A tovabbi lepeseket mar nagyon egyszeruek, ugy gondolom. 

Here is another idea for cupcake liners on a tree ... Es egy masik otlet a fara vagy partyra ... 


I am so proud of my angels :) I made one out of a kitchen towel roll for the top of the tree :)

Nagyon buszke vagyok az angyalkaimra! :)

Lo(lo)V(i)E to you all, LV 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Letter of the week C

We are getting better and better at this game! 
Thank you all as always for participation - these images are amazing! 
Now let's find some D's in our lives :) 

LO(lo)V(i)E, LV

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Letter of the week B

Here we go guys! We have the B collage! I've been so busy with a sick child and preparations for Halloween that crafts went much aside - minus a few quick projects. I am still planning to post my paper plate pumpkin tutorial, so stay tuned and keep those letters coming! We are onto C!!!!!

Sziasztok, vegre sikerult befejeznem a B kolazst. LoLo egyik fele lazas volt a heten, igy alig volt idom masra mint kis Halloween-i keszulodesekre es par eso/beteg-napos  csipp-csupp projektre LoLoval. Remelem sikerul meg a heten egy ujabb bekezdest irnom papirtanyer tok kesitesrol :) ... Na jo, johetnek a C betuk!!!!

Can't wait to see all the C's!!! Mar alig varom a C betuket!

LO(lo)V(i)E, LV

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Letter of the week A ...

LoLo are learning the alphabet! Well, sort of. They can recognize the L for "Lola" or "London" or "lobby", as well as a few others. Recently, they have been showing a lot of interest in drawing letters and asking me which letter was which. Seeing their enthusiasm, I thought of a game to make letters even more interesting. I asked friends on Facebook and "LoLovie likers" to take a photo of their own A. I know it's not an original concept, but finding letters in nature and/or building them can be a lot of fun for everyone.

LoLo tanulja az ABC-t. Na jo, ez igy nem igaz. Inkabb csak kezdenek felismerni par betut, mint peldaul az L-t mint "Lola" vagy "London" vagy mint "lobby".  Sokszor kerdezik, hogy milyen betu ez vagy az, es gyakran hozzak a girbe-gorbe szines irkafirkakat buszken mutatva milyen "betut" alkottak eppen. Latvan, hogy mennyire erdekli Oket a betuk vilaga, gondoltam kitalalok egy jatekot ami altal meg jobban megismerkednek az ABC-vel. Megkertem a Facebook-os ismeroseimet, barataimat hogy csinaljanak fotot az O sajat A-jukrol. Tudom, ez nem egy uj jatek, de megis nagyon szorakoztato mindenkinek felfedezni a betuket a termeszetben, vagy epiteni/kesziteni oket.  

Being tagged in a photo with a letter was like opening Christmas gifts one by one. I loved seeing the letters from different environments and different walks of life. Some A's were straight from the nature, others were self-expressions and yet others random finds.

Amikor valaki bejelolt egy-egy A's kepen a Facebookon olyan volt mindig mint karacsonyi ajandekokat bontagatni. Kivancsi voltam kinek, merre kalandozott a fantaziaja. Nehany A betu ugy volt felfedezve a termeszetben, mas A betuk fantazia szulemenyei voltak vagy egyszeruen veletlen lelemenyek.

At first I just wanted to make a collage of the photos and use it as a discussion topic with LoLo , but the more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea of a personalized alphabet book. There are many available in stores, but none that would be put together (unknowingly) by my friends :). (Yes, you have no rights to your photos I am afraid. They are now part of LoLo's library :)

Eloszor egy kep kolazst akartam kesziteni a sok fotobol felhasznalva LoLos tanacskozasaink kozben :), de kesobb arra gondoltam, milyen jo lenne egy ABC konyvet kesziteni a betukbol. Sok hasonlo konyvet lehet kapni a boltokban, de egyet sem olyat, amilyet (tudatlanul) a barataink keszitettek volna.  A kepek mostantol LoLo konyvtara egy resze :). 

Oh and how much can you really talk about a single letter?
A LOT! Because as you know, behind every photo, there is a camera and behind every camera, there is a person that made the photo happen, so THANK YOU! Please, keep the letters coming. The fun is just about to start and we have many more letters to work with :)

Valojaban mennyit lehet egyetlen egy beturol meselni?
SOKAT! Mert ahogy tudjatok, minden betu mogott ott van egy fenykepezogep, es minden fenykepezogep mogott ott van valaki, aki a kepet keszitette. KOSZI! Most kezdhetjuk a B betut gyujteni es kerek mindenkit, ne hagyja abba a betuk kereseset/kesziteset/fotozasat, mert az ABC-ben meg sok sok erdekes betu megtalalhato es a moka meg csak most kezdodik! :)  

I hope you like it! Remelen tetszik! 

Have a nice weekend everyone and the letter of the next week is B! L(ol)OB(i)E, LB (;) 

Kellemes hetveget mindenkinek, LB :) 


Friday, September 14, 2012

Pay Less or Dolce Gabbana?

I am such a girlie girl! I love everything that shines, sparkles and pink. I notice that entering a clothing  store I beeline to items with above mentioned qualities. No wonder then, that when I discovered a pair of sparkly DIY shoes on Love Maegan, I needed to have them, make them, wear them right away! 

Mar kiskoromtol fogva vonzott mindig minden ami csillog-villog, fenylig vagy rozsaszin. Ezek azok a ruhak amiket a ruhaboltokban eszreveszek, megprobalok, megveszek. Nem is csoda igy, hogy amikor megtalaltam "Love Maegan" sajatkezuleg diszitett csillogos aranycipoit a neten, rogton szuksegerzetem tamadt. "Hogy tudok en ilyen cipo nelkul letezni?" :)))

I didn't want to spend too much money on an experimental project, so I went to Payless and bought a pair of heels for 17 USD on sale. I also bought gold sequins ribbon from MJ trimmings and sequins glue.

Nem akartam tul sok penzt kiadni egy ilyen kiserletert, igy vettem magamnak egy 17 dollaros ocskacipot, flitteres aranyszalagot es flitter-ragasztot. 

Then I started gluing around and around until the shoe was completely filled. I took some loose sequins to fill gaps here and there. I also purchased some loose colorful clear color beads that I glued on here and there. Then came the surprise! The washing machine unexpectedly produced a "glass" yellow heart. I have no idea where it came from, but have a suspicion that one of Lola's dolls must have had it sewn on on their dress. I took it and glued that one on also :) You can see it on my right foot on the photo. That's it! It's this easy!

Miutan osszeszedtem az osszes kellekemet, elkezdtem ragasztani a csillogo szalagot korbe, korbe egeszen addig, amig a cipo szurke felulete at nem valtozott csillogos arannya - akarcsak a mesekben. Az aranyszalagon kivul vettem meg kulonallo csillogos, atlatszo gyongyoket (amiknek lapos a hatlapjuk) es azokat is ide-oda ragasztottam a cipore.  Mivel en minding multi-taskingolok (ez ugye nem magyarul volt? :) kozben mostam es amikor atraktam volna a sok ruhat a szaritoba, meglepetesemre egy gyongy gurult ki a ruhakupacbol. Ez az a sarga szivecske ami a jobb labamon lathato. Fogalmam sincs honnet gurult ki - csak gyanitom, hogy Lola babaja ruhajanak lehetett a disze.  Na fogtam magamat es azt is raragasztoztam a cipellore ... 

This is the Elvi version of the shoe, the Dolce Gabbana (not the 20 USD kind) is right here on Katie Holmes. And for Maegan's version of the shoe CLICK HERE

Ez az Elvi valtozata a ciponek, a Dolce Gabbana valtozata ime a kepen Katie Holmes-on. 
Maegan cipoje pedig ITT

A few more pictures of THE shoes ... 

Meg par foto a cipelloimrol ... 

And here are the shoes (and hubby) in use on a terrible quality photo .. but you get the idea ... :) I have to say that these shoes are a real statement. I can't tell you how many people asked me where I bought them and I can't tell you how good it feels to say "I made them myself" .. then of course I have to explain that I am not a cobbler and all I really did was glue a bunch of shiny sequins on it ... I am thinking about making another shoe for my Halloween costume in pink. 
Let's vote: Your shoes pointy or round?
(I vote round)

Ime a hasznalatban-levo cipok egy nagyon rossz minosegu foton. Mar tobbszor felvettem es mindig rengetegen megallitanak az utcan, hogy hol vettem a cipoimet. En meg buszken mondom hogy "OO hat en keszitettem!" ... persze aztan el kell magyaraznom hogy valojaban nem en varrtam a cipot, hanem csak ossze-vissza ragasztottam. Azon gondolkozom, hogy Halloweenre csinalok meg egyet rozsaszin valtozatban ... az is biztosan jol nezne ki ... 
Szavazzunk: Hegyes vagy gombolyu orru cipo a kedvenced? 
(Szamomra gombolyu)

Lo(lo)V(i)E to you all, LV

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Dish towel to Toddler apron

Sometimes you have to go great lengths and a lot of work to make a wonderful project. Well, those are the kinds of projects I don't often make. I wrote "often" only because the quilt I am making LoLo from their old clothes is that kind of a thing, BUT generally speaking I love quick, fast and impressive creations, such as this toddler apron.  (Sorry for the self-impressive - I am impressed :))))

Neha rengeteg munka es ido gyumolcse a keszulendo targy. Na, az ilyeneket en probalom kerulni, bar a quiltek amiket LoLo 3 evi ruhajabol varrom majd az egy ilyen projekt. De ugy altalaban: az egyszeru, gyors es szep kreaciokat kedvelem. Olyanokat, mint peldaul ez a gyerekeknek "szabott" (mert nem szabott :) koteny. 

I bought three lemon print dish towels at Target for 3.50 USD each (I think). 
Held it up to LoLo for the 3 seconds that they can stand still and decided the height where I wanted the apron to reach. 
Took my mat, rotary cutter and randomly cut off a triangle. 
I folded the dish towel  apron in half and cut the other side equally.
I cut off the bottom but, hemmed most of it so I can take it down in the future as LoLo grows ...
I sewn on the four strings and tadaaaaaa .... 
Well, I also added the pocket. (London's is stuffed with change so that's why it's not nice and neat.)
The pocket is pretty self-explanatory ... I used printable cotton for the name.

Egy itteni boltban vettem harom kiarusitason levo konyharuhat. 
Ratettem LoLora, kihasznalva azt a harom masodpercet amig meg tudnak egy helyben allni es megjeloltem hogy kb. hol akarom a koteny kezdetet.  
Aztan fogtam a quiltes vagomat es egy haromszoget vagtam az oldalaba.
Felbe hajtottam a konyharuhat  kotenyt es egy ugyanolyan haromszoget vagtam a masik oldalra is. 
Az alljabol is vagtam le, de csak annyit, hogy a jovoben majd le tudjak belole hajtani ahogy LoLo noddogel. 
Felvarrtam ra a kotoket es tadaaddaaaa kesz is lett volna, ha nem akarok egy zsebet is. 
(Londone a kepen ki van tomve penzzel azert ilyen gyurodt :)
A zseb igazan konnyu .. talan csak annyi, hogy nyomtathato anyagot hasznaltam a feliratra. Nem tudom "otthon" lehet-e kapni, de ha nem, allitolag kemenyito spray-el kell befujni eloszor az anyagot es aztan festekes nyomdan nyomtatni. Szerintem mukodik ... 

LoLo in theirr aprons after the gig ... if you'd like to read our lemonade story and get your hands on some free lemonade stand printables, click HERE ... 

LoLo kotenyestul ... es ha meg nem olvastad a limonade sztorit vagy szeretnel nyomtathato limonades papirdiszeket, akkor IDE klikk ...  

Our next lemonade stand is coming up in October and it will most likely have the SURPRISEEEEE :) pumpkin theme .. Any lemon-pumpkin recipes out there? 

A kovetkezo limonade standunkat Oktober elejere tervezzuk, de most citrom es MEGLEPETEEES :) khmmm tok temara .. Jaj, ez magyarul meg rosszabbul hangzik mint angolul :))) Citrom-tok receptek valahol - valakinel?

LO(lo)V(i)E to all, Happy Fall! 


P.S. You can like me on Facebook and Nip me on Pinterest (Just need to do some web updating soon) 

 Linked up at The 36th Avenue  

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Lemonade Stand/ Lemonade Story

Ever since I came to the US (unbelievable 16 years ago!) I liked the idea of a lemonade stand and never failed to buy one from cute little sellers. I decided that once upon a time, when I have children (whether it's in the US or anywhere else),  I/we will sell lemonade. 

Eloszor Amerikai filmekben lattam limonade arusokat. Gyerekek az utcaszelen egy kancso limonadeval par centert sajat keszitesu limonadet arultak. Tetszett az otlet, hogy jatekkal mennyi tapasztalatot nyernek, hiszen limonade arusitassal nem csak azt tanuljak meg, hogy kell illemtudoan vendeget fogadni, kiszolgalni, penzt valtani, de azt is hogy kell idegeneket batran megszollitani es beszelgetni veluk. Hihetetlen 16 eve leptem at eloszor az USA hatarat es azota bennem lakott a gondolat, hogy egyszer majd en is limonadet fogok arusitani gyermekeimmel ... (az USAban vagy masutt). 

I love lemons - the smell of the oily, pimply skin; the sour freshness; the bright happy color; I love it in my food (lemon chicken) and cakes and most importantly, I love lemon ice cream :)
(Something that my mint chocolate chip party hubby can't quite understand)

Szeretem a citromot - az illatos, zsiros, domboros boret; a savanyu, egyben udito izet; a vidam sarga szinet. Szeretem etelben (citromos csirke), sutemenyben es fagyiban. 
(Ezt az en csoki-menta parti ferjem nem is erti :)   

I've heard the phrase "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade" many times in the past and never really paid any attention to it, until one day in August 2005, a few days after my breast cancer diagnoses. A girl, a survivor I was matched up with through a social worker at the hospital called me. She told me her story of struggle and survival. Sitting on a doorstep of a brownstone on the Upper East side, the sentence stuck with me throughout life. I started a blog called "Just a recipe on how to make lemonade" that helped me to come to terms with the new reality of my life. I also wrote about 4 chapters of a memoir that I called "Pink Lemonade", yet to be finished. So, it's only fitting that on the 7th anniversary of being cancer-free I set up shop, sold lemonade and celebrated life with the loves of my life. 

Tobbszor hallottam itt az USA-ban azt a mondast hogy "Ha az elet citromot ad, keszits limonadet!" de sosem figyeltem fel a mondat ertelmere. Egeszen Augusztus 2005-ig, amikor mellrakkal diagnosztizaltak. Egy lany, akit a korhaz szocialis dolgozoja kert meg hivott fel, hogy ossza meg tapasztalatait a betegsegrol. Egy Manhattani teglahaz lepcsojen ulve hallgattam vegig ahogy elmeselte hogy elte meg es tul a betegseget. A beszelgetest a fenti mondassal fejezte be: "Ha az elet citromot ad, keszits limonadet!" .. mondta magabiztosan. Meg aznap elkezdtem egy blogot a mindennapjaimrol aminek a neve"Limonade recept" lett. Kesobb belekezdtem egy konyvbe, aminek megirtam az elso negy bekezdeset "Rozsaszin Limonade" nevvel .. egyszer be szeretnem fejezni. Igy igazan ideillo, hogy het evvel a diagnozis utan felallitottuk az elso csaladi limonade asztalkankat. Limonadet arultunk, mig csendben, onmagunkban az elet szepsegeit  es egymast unepeltuk. 

As you can tell, this is not only a post about our first ever lemonade stand, but also a real life lemonade recipe with a recipe that you, dear reader cook up yourself :) If I inspired you, my goal was met! When I am sad, or overcome by life's obstacles, I think of that sentence of the anonymous girl on the phone. I  go on turning the bad experiences to positive, or at least trying to squeeze out some lemonade! Happy 7th anniversary to me and lots of lemonade to us all!!!! 

Nalunk a limonade nem csak a citromrol szol, hanem az elet szimbolumarol is. Amikor szomoru vagyok, vagy az elet nehezsegeket sodor felem mindig az ismeretlen lanynak a mondatat hallom.  Probalom a rosszban is keresni a jot, es ha ez nem megy, legalabb egy kis limonadet csavarni a tapasztalatbol. Ime a limonade recept, amit kedves olvaso Te magad irsz meg :) Ha inspiracioul szolgaltam, orommel tettem. Boldog hetedik evfordulot Nekem :) es sok sok limonadet mindenkinek!

LoLo hard at work squeezing lemons one by one ... 
We used about 16 and added a little lemon juice and agave also. 

LoLo kemeny munkaval kifacsarta mind a 16 citromot. 
Ontottunk egy kis citromlet is a limonadehoz es agave nektarral edesitettuk.  

This is what we used to set up our stand: 
LoLo's toddler Ikea table covered by burlap
A yellow ribbon to hold the burlap in place
Water dispenser bought on Amazon
A jar of yellow Ikea straws with flags made from templates HERE
An antique looking crate (what the lemonade sits on)
Antique cash register (ordered from ebay). I love this toy! It makes the authentic noise chiechiieeeng (or something like it :) 
An IKEA tray decoupaged with mod podge and burlap
Self designed bunting DOWNLOAD HERE and cupcake toppers HERE
A chalk board

For the Lemon Bars recipe click HERE

Igy kell felallitani a limonade standot: 
LoLo IKEA asztalkaja
Sarga szalag ami letartja az abroszt (illetve zsakot)
Uvegedeny (Amazonrol rendelve)
Sarga IKEA szivoszalak kis zaszlokkal amikre ITT van a sablon
Egy antik-kinezetu lada
Regi jatek szamologep amely csicsingezik amikor bedob valaki egy ermet 
Az IKEA harom szintu talcat en decoupazsoltam MOD PODGE-val
A nyomtatott zaszlokat es sutidiszeket ITT TALALJATOK 

Citromos suti receptje angolul ITT

Check out this cupcake topper! I am so proud of it, as I finally succeeded designing them with nothing else but picmonkey! AAAnd I have ZERO graphic design knowledge or experience! Watch this space for a tutorial! I a ready to share all my amateur secrets :))) You can download the toppers HERE

Nezzetek meg ezt a szep papir, suti fogpiszkalot (nem tudom hogy nevezzem magyarul?!) Egeszen buszke vagyok ra, hiszen vegre sikerult keszitenem ilyet az ingyenes picmonkey oldal segitsegevel. Es ehez kepest egyetlen egy grafikus programot sem tudok kezelni ... Legkozelebb megtanitalak Titeket hogy kell ilyet is keszteni szulinapi vagy mas partykra olyan amatoroknek mint En vagyok 
Ha ilyet szeretnel kesziteni ITT letoltheted. 

The stand was a HUGE success. We do have to work on some manners with LoLo f.e. replacing "What do you want?" with "What would you like?" or the style in which we grab take money from strangers but otherwise LoLo did an amazing job caring for their customers, providing great customer service (minus finger prints in lemon bars on an occasion :) and great smiles. 

Limonade standunk nagy siker volt. Meg par aprosagon dolgoznunk kell azert, mint peldaul azon, hogy LoLo ne ugy koszontse a vendegeket hogy "Mit akarsz?". Vagy azon, hogy kell finoman elvenni a penzt a vendegtol ahelyett hogy kitepnenk a kezebol. Mindemellett LoLo nagyon ugyesen arulta a portekat, sok gonddal csapoltak a limonadet es par ujjlenyomaton kivul szepen, szalvetaba csomagolva adtak at a citromos sutit is sok sok mosoly kisereteben.   

When asked what was their favorite part of the lemonade stand London said "giving out lemonade" (they both love the spout) and Lola said while stuffing her little face with about 7th lemon bar "Mommy, the cake was the best!". Daddy and mommy loved spending time together and planning our next stand :)  

Amikor megkerdeztuk, hogy mi volt a legjobb a limonade arusitasaban London a limonade csapolasat mondta, Lola viszont teli szajjal hetedik citromos sutijet majszolva mormolta hogy "Mama, a suti volt a legjobb!". Daddy es mama pedig orultek az egyuttoltott idonek tervezve a kovetkezo standot :)  

Aprons - the small aprons are made of kitchen towels (tut soon), mine from a blog pattern and daddy's is copied from a dollar store apron 
Printables: straw flags, cupcake toppers, bunting downloadable HERE
Three-tier tray from Ikea decoupaged with burlap and Mod Podge

Amit en keszitettem: 
Kotenyek - a picik konyharuhabol keszultek, a nagy egy blog mintaja alapjan a daddy-e egy dollaros bolt kotenye mintaja alapjan  (hamarosan leirom hogy keszitettem oket) 
Papir dolgok: zaszlok, sutiviragok, szivoszal-zaszlok ITT 
A harom emeletes talca az IKEA-bol van, decoupage-olva zsakanyaggal Mod Podge segitsegevel

My Lo(Lo)viely readers, I am back! It's been a great summer and we were having so much fun, the crafts got pushed aside, but family time prevailed! LoLo starts school next week, so I will have more time and I hope you will follow my crafty (and other adventures) here. I will start with LoLo's room that will be re-designed and so with that many home improvement projects to follow ... 

Kedves olvasoim, ismet itt vagyok! Nagyon szep nyarunk volt, sok idot toltottunk egyutt es igy a kezimunka hanyagolva volt. Jovo heten viszont LoLo ismet ovis lesz, igy Nekem is remelhetoleg tobb idom marad az alkotasra. Egy hosszu projektlistanak nezek elebe, ami a gyerekek szobaja uj diszitesevel kezdodik. Remelem itt lesztek hogy meglassatok!    

Lo(Lo)V(i)E to you all, 

P.S. Please use the printables as you wish. I will be happy if you mention the "LoLoVie" blog and really pissed off if I find you out, that you are selling it on etsy, or elsewhere. As a matter of fact, I think I will start re-sending you all my penis enlargement emails if you behave in an unethical way :)))  

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Cinderella Birthday Party

Well, I've been making (trying to make) impressive birthday parties for at least three years (that's how old LoLo is). When I was getting ready to think up LoLo's first birthday party I looked online for inspirations and got entirely overwhelmed by the amazing settings and parties that many moms posted online. I started with an image of a birthday banner and cake, but now I wanted cupcake toppers, backdrops, fancy finger food, cute gifts with "thank you" tags, adorable photos, an impressive cake and a shot of a table ready to be published in Parenting Magazine :))).  Well, I don't know whether I've achieved the "magazine shot" stage yet, but surely I've learnt a trick or two how to make a table pretty. And as always, my friend Bird and her printables played a huge role. Three parties, many sleepless hole punching nights and numerous hubby arguments why the "extravaganza", I think I've finally found the answer to "What I'll be when I grow up?" I am saying this with a lot of caution, as things may not always work out the way I plan them, but one thing is sure .. I LOVE PARTIES and making children's eyes shine. (Though I have to admit, most kids at the toddler age don't go WOW WOW WIE WOW over a tissue rose topiary; however they will talk about it months later - at least that's what mine do!)

LoLo harom eve szuletett meg, ez ido ota tervezem/szervezem nekik a partykat. Az elso even ramentem az internetre inspiracio kereses gyanant es elremultem micsoda pompas, vidam, osszhangolt partykat szerveznek mas anyukak. En egy egyszeru "Boldog Szulinapot" feliratra gondoltam es valami tortara, de miutan vegigneztem par oldalt a neten, tudtam hogy ettol sokkal komplikaltabb a dolog. Sutemenydisz szurokakat akartam, szep hatteret, kulonleges party eteleket/desszerteket, "koszonom hogy eljottel" cedulakat, impressziv vendegseregnek szant ajandekokat es olyan fotokat amiket az ember csak eletstilus/gyermekneveles magazinokban lat!Nem igazan tudom hogy a magazin fotok mar megvalosultak volna-e, de egy par trukkot mar elsajatitottam hogy kell egy egyszeru asztalt terult, terult asztalkamma varazsolni. Mint mindig, most is Bird grafikai segitsegettek megadni az unnep hangulatat. Harom kimerito party, sok ejjeli nyiras/vagas
es ferjemnek valo magyarazkodas utan (hogy miert kell ekkora problemat csapni egy gyerekpartybol) talan vegre megtudom valaszolni azt a kerdest hogy "Mi leszel ha nagy leszel?" Csak ovatosan irom le, mert sok minden valtozhat menet kozben, de egy biztos, imadok partykat szervezni (na jo, resztvenni is) es a csillogo gyerekszemeket bamulni. (Bar be kell valljam, hogy nem biztosn hogy egy 3-4 evest igazan megfogja a szalvetarozsa gomb; de ha olyanok mint LoLo akkor par hettel kesobb valahogy szoba hozza).

So, with all the fanfare .. here is the first LoLoVie party. The birthday girl's (Sanna's) criteria were straightforward: Cinderella and Pink! And I did just that (though I wasn't exactly prepared for the lime green wall and a TV screen bang in the middle of it all!)      

Dobporges ... pufff puff puff .... ime az elso LoLoVie party! A szulinapos, Sanna kivansaga nem volt tul komplikalt: Hamupipoke es rozsaszin! Igy en pontosan erre a temara keszultem (bar a libazold falra igazan nem voltam felkeszulve a TV-vel egyutt ami eppen a dekoracio kozepen terpeszkedett) 

Check out this cupcake stand (uhmm meatball stand). Three glass plates of different sizes from a local dollar store; two old fashioned tall ice cream glasses in between stuffed with sparkly gift ribbon).

Nezzetek ezt a harom emeletes sutemenytartot! Az egy dollaros boltban vettem harom kulonbozo nagysagu tanyert (nem egy dollarert :), kozejuk ket regimodi fagyispoharat tettem es csillogo kek ajandekszalaggal kottettem at)..  

See the pink rose topiary below on the left side????
That's two candle holders from a dollar store glued together topped with a styrofoam ball with tissue paper roses glued on.

Latjatok a bal oldali rozsaszin gombot? Ez is dollarosboltbol van - ket gyertyatarto osszeragasztva, a tetejen egy labda, amire szalvetaviragok vannak ragasztva. 

Also notice the cupcake stand - the castle! Two pizza boxes on top of each other wrapped in craft paper, a box from a delivery in the middle and two Annie's bunny jellies snack boxes glued together, wrapped! Those cute little towers were collected from family bathrooms - yes, they are from toilet paper rolls and useful for so many other craft projects!

Es a kastely??? Ket pizzas doboz becsomagolva, a kozepen egy kuldoszolgalat doboza es a tetejen pedig "Annie" nyuszicukorka dobozok. A kis tornyokat csaladi WC-kbol szedtem ossze.

The letters are from Michael's and glued to a stand also from bought at this store.  

A betuket a Michael's boltban vettem, es az alvanyokat is ebben a boltban.
The Christian Louboutin (: shoes were made from a pattern found HERE
(A lot of work, but what would a girl not do for a pair of heels?)  

A Christian Louboutin cipok IGY keszultek
Sok- sok munka, de megerte! 
This amazing birthday cake was made by Sanna's mommy - Andrea. Spectacular!
You may watch the video with a few more shots from a party HERE

Itt talalsz egy rovid videot a szuletesnaprol ... 

Thank you to Andrea for entrusting me with the party and to everyone who always said "I should do this!".  I am in business" now :) If you live in NYC or close by and would like my help planning/designing/creating your party drop me an email to: or you can contact me on facebook through the "LoLoVie" page. Hopefully, I'll have a website and all the trimings!

LO(lo)V(i)E to party, LV 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Little girls flapper dress

There is an event on Governors Island that I look forward to every single year. It's the Jazz Age Lawn Party a.k.a. 1920's Flapper Picnic. Food and drinks are served, old cars displayed, hats, feather boas and vintage clothing sold and photo and people gawking opportunities abandon. Michael Arenella and his Dreamland Orchestra plays live music, to which many dance the charleston (or whatever they feel like and can). It's like a movie set without the crew or cameras. Everyone is dressed up - whether they are channeling flapper girl glamour, afterwork leisure or girl/boy on a holiday spirit.

New Yorkhoz tatrozik az u.n. Governors Island sziget, ahol nyaranta ketszer rendeznek 1920-as evek pikniket. Ital/etel mellett regi autok vannak kiallitva, kalapokat es kulonfele toll-ekeket es regi ruhakat lehet vasarolni, de talan a legelvezetesebb egyszeruen leulni a fube es bamulni a korulvevo embersereget. Elo zene kisereteben "charlestont" tancol a jonep (vagy amit eppen tud). Imadom az itteniekben, hogy mindenki komolyan veszi az esemenyt es ehez illoen a piknikezok, a kornak megfeleloen vannak oltozve. Napernyok, kalapok, rojtos ruhak, csokornyakkendok, fejpantok vesznek korul mindenutt. Van aki tancosnove valt, van aki munkaruhat oltott vagy eppen az arisztokraciat kepviseli kalapban, nyakkendoben, pezsgot szipogatva .  

I bought a dress at Mango a while ago that I decided to wear, G had a newsboy hat that looks great on him and could possibly go with the era, London got a white shirt with a moustache painted on and Lola's outfit completely fell out of my mind until two nights before the event! My favorite dresses these days are the kind that are made from a t-shirt on top and fabric sewn to the bottom. To make a matching outfit for Lola, I found London's grey undershirt, a yellow t-shirt I previously bought at a dollar store for "other sewing projects", a leftover gold sequin strip (from my sequin pumps I made) and some large loose sequins (also leftovers). Knowing that Lola will wear a dress only if it's twirly, I tricked her with the sequence strip and it worked! She said it was shiny and that nobody would have a dress like her (she was right :))))
Nem regen vettem magamnak egy ruhat a Mangoban, ami kicsiket talan emlekeztet a korra, G-nek volt egy ideillo szalmakalapja, Londy kapott egy ujjatlan feher polot bajusszal kifestve, de Lola oltozekerol egeszen megfeledkeztem. Kedvenc ruhaim azok, amiknek a felso resze polobol van, es az allja anyag. Talaltam Londy szekrenyeben egy szurke alsopolot, kikotortam az anyagdoboz legalljarol egy sarga polot (amit meg mas projekthez vettem) es egy arany flitterpantot (amelyet a csillogos cipomhoz hasznaltam kb. egy honapja). Tudtam, hogy Lola nem lenne hajlando felvenni olyan ruhat, ami nem porog, igy a "csillog-villog" flitter reszet "adtam" el neki es mukodott! Azt mondta hogy ilyen csillog-villogos senkinek sem lesz es nem is volt ... :))) 

What you'll need:
A t-shirt or a tank top 
A large t-shirt for the bottom
Wide ribbon 
3 gold buttons or large sequence (as above on the dress) 
Stitch witchery (if your sewing machine breaks down like mine did .. gtrrrrrrrr)

I lay all my materials I collected on the table and played around with different designs at first. 
Then I took a white printing paper, put it next to the tank top and drew a not too wide trapezoid. Voila! This is now a pattern for the skirt! I cut out the fabric about an inch and a half from the bottom. Do not throw away the bottom part! Gather it to make a ruffle strip ad place and sew it to the front of of the top in a U shape.  Pin the trapezoid to the top from the outside and sew together. I was going to sew the sides, but my sewing machine completely stopped working in the meantime and I was getting more and more frustrated. This is when I coined the phrase "Sewing rage". 

 "Sewing Rage" as in an aggressive or angry behavior by a crafter/seamstress. Such behavior might include rude gestures, verbal insults, deliberately sewing off the fabric in an unsafe or dangerous manner, or making threats (to the sewing machine. Ex: "I am going to toss you out of the terrace you piece of S). Sewing rage can lead to altercations with close family members and co-habitants. It can be thought of as an extreme case of aggressive sewing.  
Ami a ruhacskahoz szukseges: 
Polo (ujjatlan)
Egy masik (sokkal nagyobb polo) 
Flitter, szalag, flitterszalag 

Kb. 2 centimetert vagtam le a polo alljabol, amit aztan cernaval berancoztam es U alakban hozzavarrrtam a top-ra. Erre raragasztottam varroszalaggal egy darab szalagot es varrtam ra harom nagy flittert. Az also reszet a ruhanak polobol csinaltam, amelyet vonalzo segitsegevel "trapezoidra" vagtam ki es hozzavarrtam a top-hoz. Ekkor a varrogepem befuccsolt es a ruha tobbi varrnivalojat varroszalaggal illete vasaloval "varrtam" meg. Igy lett kesz a csillog-villog Lolaruha. 

There is another 1920's picnic in August that I hoping we can all attend! I can't wait! 

A kovetkezo 1920'as evek piknikje Augusztusban lesz ismet Governors Island-on es mar alig varjuk ismet! 

LO(lo)V(i)E, LV

Monday, June 4, 2012

Strawberry hedgehog cupcake toppers

It was LoLo's birthday a few weeks ago, as you all know by now from my Strawberries and Snails birthday party photos and video. Additionally to the party, LoLo had a 10 minutes long birthday celebration also at their pre-school. It was a low-key affair. We were told to bring cupcakes, a few photos from when they were little, some of their baby clothes and their favorite music if we wanted to.
I wanted to make something special and not so unhealthy as the 4 cups of powdered sugar that goes into most cupcake icing. So, I made banana cupcakes with cream cheese frosting and as a token of "healthy" I put this adorable hedgehog on top. Btw- I am claiming all credits for this one :)))

Mint tudjatok, par hettel ezelott LoLo szuletesnapjat unnepeltuk. Itt meg lehet nezni az "Eper es Csiga" szulinapi buli kepeit es videot. Ezen a partyn kivul, LoLo ovodajaban is megunnepeltek az esemenyt. A tanitoneni kerte, hogy vigyunk be "cupcake" sutit minden gyerek szamara, par regi fotot, gyermekruhat amit picibaba korukban viseltek, valamint ha van ilyen kedvenc CD-t/dalt. Ugy dontottem, bananos sutit (cupcake-et) sutok es a szokasos porcukros tuledes krem helyett valamivel egeszsegesebb diszt teszek a cupcake tetejere. Igy lett a mindenfele zomanc, krem es "fondant" diszites helyett kremsajt (krem?) es epersuni. A sunit a sajat talalmanyomnak titulalom :)) mert meg ilyet nem lattam sehol. 

You will need: 
- the cupcake :)
- a strawberry cut in half  
- mini chocolate chips
- almond slivers (you can use the flat kind also)
- frosting to "glue" the eyes and nose in place

You know what to do ... the only "trick" I learnt was to use a toothpick when applying the frosting to the mini chip. Also, I did use the store-bought kind in miniature amount, just so the chocolate chip sticks better! 

Ami szukseges a sunihez:
- suti :)
- felbe vagott eper
- apro csokidarabkak (vagy barmilyen mas csoki/edesseg ami apro is szemnek lehet hasznalni)
- hosszaban felvagott mandula (napraforgomag is lehet - bar akkor nem ennyire disztingvalt majd a suni)
- cukor-vajkrem (amivel a szeme es az orra oda vag ragasztva) 

Gondolom leiras nem kell hogy keszul a suni, de annyit azert tanultam hogy a kremet legjobb fogpiszkaloval ravinni a szemekre/orra. En bolti kremet hasznaltam, mert abban annyi a cukor hogy akar ragasztonak is hivhatnak, de otthon ugyanugy el lehet kesziteni a vaj-porcukor "ragasztot" :) 
Jo sundorgest! 
P.S. "Don't call me a porcupine!" :))))

P.S.2. These are the photos LoLo brought to school ... Time flies!
Ezt a ket fotot vitte LoLo az oviba ... Repul az ido!

If you'd like more hedgehog kind of stuff or need some creative news in your life, you may "like" me on Facebook or sign up for a newsletter (or both)! I have many exciting projects in store to share and hopefully more often. 

Ha szeretnel maskor is sunis ujdonsagokrol hallani vagy kreativ dolgokrol olvasni/tanulni klikk a "like" gombot a Facebook LoLoVie oldalan. Meg sok-sok mas kreativ otlet sundorog a fejemben amit majd itt megosztok! Sziasztok!
LO(lo)V(i)E, LV

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Strawberries & Snails Gardening Party - LoLo 3!

I've been so eagerly preparing for this party that I have not posted anything in ages. I started planning the festivities soon after I returned from my Paris trip - about a month before the actual date.

Ugy dontottem hogy matol magyarul is irok a blog. :) Udv minden uj olvasonak! (Elnezest az ekezetek hianya miatt, de igy sokkal egyszerubb). Nem igerem hogy szo szoros lesz a forditas, de igy ha barki meg szeretne valositani az alkotasaim egyiket itt meg tudja majd nezni.  

It's never easy to pick a theme for a birthday party, let alone for boy/girl twins, whose interests are a world apart. So, instead of asking what they wanted and getting 15 ideas all at once followed by a fight, hair tearing and various other ways of forceful persuasion, I picked the theme myself. Strawberries are such a wonderful fruit and they are plentiful in May, so I figured I would go with that. "We could eat them, plant them, draw them" I thought, but was reminded later on that strawberries are too feminine (apparently), so I needed to add masculinity to the mix for London's sake. My inspiration turned out to be sitting in a basket at Ikea (I hate to do the advertising for the store, as I am sitting here fuming over their terrible customer service, but Ikea it was.) I found a cute snail finger puppet, which became a part of the theme and everyones' give away gift.    

Nem egyszeru szulinapi partyt csinalni ikreknek, de ugy hogy lany/fiu ikrek meg nehezebb, mivel annyira eltero a ket kis egyen erdeklodesi kore, hogy kozos nevezore sosem jutnank. Igy ahelyett hogy 15 otletbol vivtuk volna ki okollel, hajtepessel es harapasokkal azt hogy autos vagy babas partynk legyen nem kerdeztem es en valasztottam - az eper temaju bulit. "Majd epret ultetunk, eszunk, vagunk, festunk" - gondoltam en egeszen addig amig nem informalt ferjemuram, hogy az eper tulsagosan noi szymbolum ... Ferfias inspiraciomra egy Ikea kosarban talaltam egy lila/zold ujjbab csiga szemelyeben, amely a kesobbiekben a vendeg gyerekek ajandeka egy reszeve valt ...     

Ladies and gentlemen, introducing ... 
LoLo's STRAWBERRIES AND SNAILS gardening party ....

Tehat holgyeim es uraim ime az Eper/Csiga szulinapi party kepekben ... 

Party table in preparation with daddy Geoffrey in sight
Keszul a party asztal Geoff apaval a kepen ...  

I have to point out things I like and I don't like also .. See the burlap? We could only get the gardening kind, which has large gaps in the weaving and so the skirt of the table is see through 
(I don't like it! .. Should have put a pink tablecloth underneath the burlap ... Or if you would like the burlap look make sure that you buy the coffee bag kind and not this one. ) 

Ime az asztal, de be kell vallanom hogy nem tokeletes :( ugyanis a szoves a zsakon nagy lyukakat hagy, igy atlatszo lett :(( Ha zsakkal szeretnel asztalt teriteni ne a kerteszboltban vasarold a zsakot hanem mint en tettem. A kavezsak (peldaul) sokkal alkalmasabb ... bar en ezt eddig nem tudtam ... 

Table still in preparation ... We were waiting for the cupcakes to get to the place ... 
Meg mindig nem keszult el az asztal .. varjuk a sutiket ... (cupcakes)

Arrived! Strawberry cupcakes with cream cheese and strawberry frosting and a gummy strawberry on top. I like cupcakes in flower pots, but hated the idea of anything baked into the pots (or tins). God knows what chemicals are these things treated with, 
so all I did was insert the cupcakes to place ...

Megerkeztek! Epres "cupcake" eper-turo kremmel a tetejen es eper gumicukorral diszitve. Jol mutatnak a sutik a pici cserepben es sokan ebben sutnek is, de en inkabb papirban sutottem - sosem lehet tudni milyen vegyszerrel vannak a cserepek bevonva ...  A cserepek peremere szalagot ragasztottam hogy mutatosabb legyen.

LoLo's delicious strawberry/chocolate cake. A gift to LoLo baked by Edit, third year in a row. 

LoLo keresre sutott eper/csokis torta. Edit immar harmadik eve sutotte meg LoLo szulinapi tortajat ajandekba. KOSZONJUK!!!!

The MENU: Strawberries and whipped cream, savory muffins (feta, sundried tomato, basil muffins), mini crustless vegetable quiche, PBJ and cream cheese/strawberry slices sandwiches, strawberry cupcakes, baby carrots, celery sticks, baby tomatoes, baby bell cheese and cake. I really wanted to serve vodka/strawberry lemonade but there was no way of transporting the large glass dispenser to the park and we would have been probably also arrested for serving alcohol, 
so we didn't (but I really wish we did :))) 

A MENU: Eper es tejszinhab, sos "muffin" (szaritott paradicsom, bazsalikom, feta), mini zoldseges/tojas "quiche", PBJ - mogyorokremvaj es lekvar valamint kremsajt es eperszeletek szendvics amiket virag kinyomoval vagtam ki, babarepa, celler, baby paradicsom, baby bell sajt es torta. Igazabol en meg vodkas-epres limonadet is szerettem volna felszolgalni, de nagyon nehez lett volna a parka becipelni a tobb literes uveget teli itallal, na meg az USA-ban tilos nyilt helyen az alkoholizalas, igy netan meg buntetest is kaphattunk volna igy sajnos a felnottek is dzsusz dobozokkal iltottak szomjukat :) 

I cut out the sandwiches with a flower cutter. 
There were two baskets: peanut butter jelly and cream cheese/strawberry slices sandwiches. 

A ket fonott kosarban mogyorokremvaj es lekvar es kremsajt es eper szeletes szendvics talalhato.   

My talented friend, Bird from Bird's Party created all these wonderful printables (including this banner) - also third year in a row .. We basically don't do parties unless Didi (Edit) and Bird are involved :))

Baratnom, Bird keszitette a grafikat a nyomtatott papirdiszekhez (szinten immar harmadik eve) 
Nalunk nincs buli Edit es Bird segitsege nelkul :) 

Before all the baking was done I did some sewing ... 
Strawberry pillow for Lola and the snail (Crafting Tilda's friends) for London. 
The picture is a cork board covered in strawberry fabric with tissue flowers creating the #3

A sutes elott nekilattam varrni ... 
Az eper kisparna a Lolae, a csiga a Londye lett ... Az eper, a kisparnan kivul focilabdakent is mukodik mint ezt kitapasztaltuk ...  Egy tablara raragasztottam az eper anyagot es zold szalvetaviragokbol ragasztottam ra egy harmast. 

The netting was bought at Ikea and I added the bunting and ribbons. Now, this was quite a project as I hand-sewn all bunting to the frame for the fear of getting caught in the net like a mermaid ... 

A halo szinten az Ikea-bol van. Varrtam ra kis zaszlokat es szalagokat. Hat ez egy eleg nagy munka volt, mert nem mertem varrogepet hasznalni hogy bele ne varrjam magamat a haloba mint egy hableany.  

Tissue paper pom-poms are a must for an easy and impressive decoration. 

Szalvetabol keszult pom-pomokat egyszeruen lehet elkesziteni es nagyon mutatos disz.  

Everybody loves balloons!

A lufikat kicsit-nagyok szeretik! 

The take-away gifts. Water bottles stuffed with gummy strawberries and a finger puppet snail. 

A partyzok ilyen ajandekokat kaptam bucsuzoul a cserepes/nevvel ellatott/ kidiszitett eperpalanta, luficsiga es nyalokaviragon kivul ... Szines flakonok gumieperrel toltve es csiga ujjbabbal diszitve.   

Perhaps the most popular activity was picking flowers from LoLo's garden ... I was amazed how all these 3 year olds caught on to the fact that the center of the flowers was a lollipop immediately .. :)

Talan a legsikeresebb a gyerekek koreben ez a LoLo viragkert volt. Meglepo, hogy a gyerekek milyen hamar eszrevettek, hogy a virag belso resze nyalokabol van :)  

LoLo's flower garden

LoLo viragos kertje 

Flower picking was followed by decorating flower pots with foam stickers. 
All in preparation for the strawberry plants ...

A viragszedes utan cserepet diszitettunk szivacs matricakkal, hogy aztan legyen mibe ultetni az eperpalantakat 

We also had bubbles, did face painting, played with a ball, learnt a song called "A Little Seed" to which we were introduced by a local children's band Rolie Polie Guacamole and momma made her debut as a balloon artist making everyone a balloon snail of the color of their choice. 

A sok finomsagon kivul volt meg buborekfujas, arcfestes, jatszottunk labdaval (koszi aki hozta :) es megtanultunk a Rolie Polie Guacamole egyuttes dalat. Mama debutalt mint gyakorlott lufimuvesz es mindenkinek luficsigat is keszitett.  

Face Painting ... Arcfestes ... 

According to LoLo, there is no party without a party hat!!! (If this one reminds you of a paper cup it may not be by coincidence)  

LoLo velemenye szerint a party nem party party kalap nelkul, igy keszult az is fiuknak es lanyoknak kulon. Itt Miki viseli a fejfedot (ha poharra emlekeztet a kalap az nem veletlen ;)  

And for the girls with tissue pom-poms on top ... 

Es lanyoknak pom-ponokkal diszitve ... 

THE END ... LoLo party next year!

Jovore itt ismet .. LoLo Party!