Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Cupcake liner angels Christmas ornaments by Elvi

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here and this year I decided to decorate our tree with cupcake liner decorations mostly. I saw the cupcake owls in Parents magazine and while making the owls with LoLo, the idea of a cupcake liner angel came to me. I made one and it came out so cute, I had to make an entire army of angels for this year's tree ...

Hamarosan itt vannak az unnepek es ebben az evben ugy dontottem, hogy a karacsonyfat muffin papirkakkal diszitem. Egy amerikai magazinban lattam az efele baglyokat, es mikozben LoLoval keszitettuk a nagyszemu madarakat, azon gondolkoztam hogy mast is lehet ugyanigy csinalni. Igy szuletett meg a muffinpapir angyalka. Az iden megprobalom majdnem kizarolagosan muffin papirral disziteni a fat, bar biztosan nem tudom kihagyni majd az elso LoLo szullinapos kepeslapjaibol keszulteket sem ...

What you need: 
cupcake liners - any colors and sizes 
a few spools of one sided scotch tape 
a toilet paper roll 
a ping-pong ball
wool for hair 
silver or gold pipe cleaner for a halo
glue gun, glue, markers 

muffin papirkak 
cellux ragaszto 
WC papir guriga (papir nelkul)
ping-pong labda
fonal hajnak 
ezust agy arany drot 

Fold cupcake liners in quarters and stick to the tube one by one. Once the first round is done, carry on with the second row as on the photo. The two rows of liners will create the angel's skirt. Fold liners in half for the upper part of the body and glue with clear tape. When done, pinch the top of the tube so that you have four pinched corners evenly on the tube (neck part), glue-gun together holding all corners tight together and glue dries. Loop wool and tie in one place, glue to the ball ... The rest is pretty self-explanatory. Glue a bow on the angel as a final touch.  .... 

A papirkakat negyedre kell hajtogatni, aztan egyenkent felragasztani a gurigara ket szinten korbe, korbe. A harmadik sorban mar csak felbe hajtogatott papirkakat ragasztunk a "testre". Mikor elerunk a nyakaig, negy egyforma csipessel osszeragasztjuk a nyak reszet. Itt egy kicsit varni kell, mig meg nem szarad a ragaszto. Mikor kesz, elkeszitjuk a hajat es rogzitjuk ragasztopisztollyal. A tovabbi lepeseket mar nagyon egyszeruek, ugy gondolom. 

Here is another idea for cupcake liners on a tree ... Es egy masik otlet a fara vagy partyra ... 


I am so proud of my angels :) I made one out of a kitchen towel roll for the top of the tree :)

Nagyon buszke vagyok az angyalkaimra! :)

Lo(lo)V(i)E to you all, LV