Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Cinderella Birthday Party

Well, I've been making (trying to make) impressive birthday parties for at least three years (that's how old LoLo is). When I was getting ready to think up LoLo's first birthday party I looked online for inspirations and got entirely overwhelmed by the amazing settings and parties that many moms posted online. I started with an image of a birthday banner and cake, but now I wanted cupcake toppers, backdrops, fancy finger food, cute gifts with "thank you" tags, adorable photos, an impressive cake and a shot of a table ready to be published in Parenting Magazine :))).  Well, I don't know whether I've achieved the "magazine shot" stage yet, but surely I've learnt a trick or two how to make a table pretty. And as always, my friend Bird and her printables played a huge role. Three parties, many sleepless hole punching nights and numerous hubby arguments why the "extravaganza", I think I've finally found the answer to "What I'll be when I grow up?" I am saying this with a lot of caution, as things may not always work out the way I plan them, but one thing is sure .. I LOVE PARTIES and making children's eyes shine. (Though I have to admit, most kids at the toddler age don't go WOW WOW WIE WOW over a tissue rose topiary; however they will talk about it months later - at least that's what mine do!)

LoLo harom eve szuletett meg, ez ido ota tervezem/szervezem nekik a partykat. Az elso even ramentem az internetre inspiracio kereses gyanant es elremultem micsoda pompas, vidam, osszhangolt partykat szerveznek mas anyukak. En egy egyszeru "Boldog Szulinapot" feliratra gondoltam es valami tortara, de miutan vegigneztem par oldalt a neten, tudtam hogy ettol sokkal komplikaltabb a dolog. Sutemenydisz szurokakat akartam, szep hatteret, kulonleges party eteleket/desszerteket, "koszonom hogy eljottel" cedulakat, impressziv vendegseregnek szant ajandekokat es olyan fotokat amiket az ember csak eletstilus/gyermekneveles magazinokban lat!Nem igazan tudom hogy a magazin fotok mar megvalosultak volna-e, de egy par trukkot mar elsajatitottam hogy kell egy egyszeru asztalt terult, terult asztalkamma varazsolni. Mint mindig, most is Bird grafikai segitsegettek megadni az unnep hangulatat. Harom kimerito party, sok ejjeli nyiras/vagas
es ferjemnek valo magyarazkodas utan (hogy miert kell ekkora problemat csapni egy gyerekpartybol) talan vegre megtudom valaszolni azt a kerdest hogy "Mi leszel ha nagy leszel?" Csak ovatosan irom le, mert sok minden valtozhat menet kozben, de egy biztos, imadok partykat szervezni (na jo, resztvenni is) es a csillogo gyerekszemeket bamulni. (Bar be kell valljam, hogy nem biztosn hogy egy 3-4 evest igazan megfogja a szalvetarozsa gomb; de ha olyanok mint LoLo akkor par hettel kesobb valahogy szoba hozza).

So, with all the fanfare .. here is the first LoLoVie party. The birthday girl's (Sanna's) criteria were straightforward: Cinderella and Pink! And I did just that (though I wasn't exactly prepared for the lime green wall and a TV screen bang in the middle of it all!)      

Dobporges ... pufff puff puff .... ime az elso LoLoVie party! A szulinapos, Sanna kivansaga nem volt tul komplikalt: Hamupipoke es rozsaszin! Igy en pontosan erre a temara keszultem (bar a libazold falra igazan nem voltam felkeszulve a TV-vel egyutt ami eppen a dekoracio kozepen terpeszkedett) 

Check out this cupcake stand (uhmm meatball stand). Three glass plates of different sizes from a local dollar store; two old fashioned tall ice cream glasses in between stuffed with sparkly gift ribbon).

Nezzetek ezt a harom emeletes sutemenytartot! Az egy dollaros boltban vettem harom kulonbozo nagysagu tanyert (nem egy dollarert :), kozejuk ket regimodi fagyispoharat tettem es csillogo kek ajandekszalaggal kottettem at)..  

See the pink rose topiary below on the left side????
That's two candle holders from a dollar store glued together topped with a styrofoam ball with tissue paper roses glued on.

Latjatok a bal oldali rozsaszin gombot? Ez is dollarosboltbol van - ket gyertyatarto osszeragasztva, a tetejen egy labda, amire szalvetaviragok vannak ragasztva. 

Also notice the cupcake stand - the castle! Two pizza boxes on top of each other wrapped in craft paper, a box from a diapers.com delivery in the middle and two Annie's bunny jellies snack boxes glued together, wrapped! Those cute little towers were collected from family bathrooms - yes, they are from toilet paper rolls and useful for so many other craft projects!

Es a kastely??? Ket pizzas doboz becsomagolva, a kozepen egy kuldoszolgalat doboza es a tetejen pedig "Annie" nyuszicukorka dobozok. A kis tornyokat csaladi WC-kbol szedtem ossze.

The letters are from Michael's and glued to a stand also from bought at this store.  

A betuket a Michael's boltban vettem, es az alvanyokat is ebben a boltban.
The Christian Louboutin (: shoes were made from a pattern found HERE
(A lot of work, but what would a girl not do for a pair of heels?)  

A Christian Louboutin cipok IGY keszultek
Sok- sok munka, de megerte! 
This amazing birthday cake was made by Sanna's mommy - Andrea. Spectacular!
You may watch the video with a few more shots from a party HERE

Itt talalsz egy rovid videot a szuletesnaprol ... 

Thank you to Andrea for entrusting me with the party and to everyone who always said "I should do this!".  I am in business" now :) If you live in NYC or close by and would like my help planning/designing/creating your party drop me an email to: lolovienyc@gmail.com or you can contact me on facebook through the "LoLoVie" page. Hopefully, I'll have a website and all the trimings!

LO(lo)V(i)E to party, LV 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Little girls flapper dress

There is an event on Governors Island that I look forward to every single year. It's the Jazz Age Lawn Party a.k.a. 1920's Flapper Picnic. Food and drinks are served, old cars displayed, hats, feather boas and vintage clothing sold and photo and people gawking opportunities abandon. Michael Arenella and his Dreamland Orchestra plays live music, to which many dance the charleston (or whatever they feel like and can). It's like a movie set without the crew or cameras. Everyone is dressed up - whether they are channeling flapper girl glamour, afterwork leisure or girl/boy on a holiday spirit.

New Yorkhoz tatrozik az u.n. Governors Island sziget, ahol nyaranta ketszer rendeznek 1920-as evek pikniket. Ital/etel mellett regi autok vannak kiallitva, kalapokat es kulonfele toll-ekeket es regi ruhakat lehet vasarolni, de talan a legelvezetesebb egyszeruen leulni a fube es bamulni a korulvevo embersereget. Elo zene kisereteben "charlestont" tancol a jonep (vagy amit eppen tud). Imadom az itteniekben, hogy mindenki komolyan veszi az esemenyt es ehez illoen a piknikezok, a kornak megfeleloen vannak oltozve. Napernyok, kalapok, rojtos ruhak, csokornyakkendok, fejpantok vesznek korul mindenutt. Van aki tancosnove valt, van aki munkaruhat oltott vagy eppen az arisztokraciat kepviseli kalapban, nyakkendoben, pezsgot szipogatva .  

I bought a dress at Mango a while ago that I decided to wear, G had a newsboy hat that looks great on him and could possibly go with the era, London got a white shirt with a moustache painted on and Lola's outfit completely fell out of my mind until two nights before the event! My favorite dresses these days are the kind that are made from a t-shirt on top and fabric sewn to the bottom. To make a matching outfit for Lola, I found London's grey undershirt, a yellow t-shirt I previously bought at a dollar store for "other sewing projects", a leftover gold sequin strip (from my sequin pumps I made) and some large loose sequins (also leftovers). Knowing that Lola will wear a dress only if it's twirly, I tricked her with the sequence strip and it worked! She said it was shiny and that nobody would have a dress like her (she was right :))))
Nem regen vettem magamnak egy ruhat a Mangoban, ami kicsiket talan emlekeztet a korra, G-nek volt egy ideillo szalmakalapja, Londy kapott egy ujjatlan feher polot bajusszal kifestve, de Lola oltozekerol egeszen megfeledkeztem. Kedvenc ruhaim azok, amiknek a felso resze polobol van, es az allja anyag. Talaltam Londy szekrenyeben egy szurke alsopolot, kikotortam az anyagdoboz legalljarol egy sarga polot (amit meg mas projekthez vettem) es egy arany flitterpantot (amelyet a csillogos cipomhoz hasznaltam kb. egy honapja). Tudtam, hogy Lola nem lenne hajlando felvenni olyan ruhat, ami nem porog, igy a "csillog-villog" flitter reszet "adtam" el neki es mukodott! Azt mondta hogy ilyen csillog-villogos senkinek sem lesz es nem is volt ... :))) 

What you'll need:
A t-shirt or a tank top 
A large t-shirt for the bottom
Wide ribbon 
3 gold buttons or large sequence (as above on the dress) 
Stitch witchery (if your sewing machine breaks down like mine did .. gtrrrrrrrr)

I lay all my materials I collected on the table and played around with different designs at first. 
Then I took a white printing paper, put it next to the tank top and drew a not too wide trapezoid. Voila! This is now a pattern for the skirt! I cut out the fabric about an inch and a half from the bottom. Do not throw away the bottom part! Gather it to make a ruffle strip ad place and sew it to the front of of the top in a U shape.  Pin the trapezoid to the top from the outside and sew together. I was going to sew the sides, but my sewing machine completely stopped working in the meantime and I was getting more and more frustrated. This is when I coined the phrase "Sewing rage". 

 "Sewing Rage" as in an aggressive or angry behavior by a crafter/seamstress. Such behavior might include rude gestures, verbal insults, deliberately sewing off the fabric in an unsafe or dangerous manner, or making threats (to the sewing machine. Ex: "I am going to toss you out of the terrace you piece of S). Sewing rage can lead to altercations with close family members and co-habitants. It can be thought of as an extreme case of aggressive sewing.  
Ami a ruhacskahoz szukseges: 
Polo (ujjatlan)
Egy masik (sokkal nagyobb polo) 
Flitter, szalag, flitterszalag 

Kb. 2 centimetert vagtam le a polo alljabol, amit aztan cernaval berancoztam es U alakban hozzavarrrtam a top-ra. Erre raragasztottam varroszalaggal egy darab szalagot es varrtam ra harom nagy flittert. Az also reszet a ruhanak polobol csinaltam, amelyet vonalzo segitsegevel "trapezoidra" vagtam ki es hozzavarrtam a top-hoz. Ekkor a varrogepem befuccsolt es a ruha tobbi varrnivalojat varroszalaggal illete vasaloval "varrtam" meg. Igy lett kesz a csillog-villog Lolaruha. 

There is another 1920's picnic in August that I hoping we can all attend! I can't wait! 

A kovetkezo 1920'as evek piknikje Augusztusban lesz ismet Governors Island-on es mar alig varjuk ismet! 

LO(lo)V(i)E, LV

Monday, June 4, 2012

Strawberry hedgehog cupcake toppers

It was LoLo's birthday a few weeks ago, as you all know by now from my Strawberries and Snails birthday party photos and video. Additionally to the party, LoLo had a 10 minutes long birthday celebration also at their pre-school. It was a low-key affair. We were told to bring cupcakes, a few photos from when they were little, some of their baby clothes and their favorite music if we wanted to.
I wanted to make something special and not so unhealthy as the 4 cups of powdered sugar that goes into most cupcake icing. So, I made banana cupcakes with cream cheese frosting and as a token of "healthy" I put this adorable hedgehog on top. Btw- I am claiming all credits for this one :)))

Mint tudjatok, par hettel ezelott LoLo szuletesnapjat unnepeltuk. Itt meg lehet nezni az "Eper es Csiga" szulinapi buli kepeit es videot. Ezen a partyn kivul, LoLo ovodajaban is megunnepeltek az esemenyt. A tanitoneni kerte, hogy vigyunk be "cupcake" sutit minden gyerek szamara, par regi fotot, gyermekruhat amit picibaba korukban viseltek, valamint ha van ilyen kedvenc CD-t/dalt. Ugy dontottem, bananos sutit (cupcake-et) sutok es a szokasos porcukros tuledes krem helyett valamivel egeszsegesebb diszt teszek a cupcake tetejere. Igy lett a mindenfele zomanc, krem es "fondant" diszites helyett kremsajt (krem?) es epersuni. A sunit a sajat talalmanyomnak titulalom :)) mert meg ilyet nem lattam sehol. 

You will need: 
- the cupcake :)
- a strawberry cut in half  
- mini chocolate chips
- almond slivers (you can use the flat kind also)
- frosting to "glue" the eyes and nose in place

You know what to do ... the only "trick" I learnt was to use a toothpick when applying the frosting to the mini chip. Also, I did use the store-bought kind in miniature amount, just so the chocolate chip sticks better! 

Ami szukseges a sunihez:
- suti :)
- felbe vagott eper
- apro csokidarabkak (vagy barmilyen mas csoki/edesseg ami apro is szemnek lehet hasznalni)
- hosszaban felvagott mandula (napraforgomag is lehet - bar akkor nem ennyire disztingvalt majd a suni)
- cukor-vajkrem (amivel a szeme es az orra oda vag ragasztva) 

Gondolom leiras nem kell hogy keszul a suni, de annyit azert tanultam hogy a kremet legjobb fogpiszkaloval ravinni a szemekre/orra. En bolti kremet hasznaltam, mert abban annyi a cukor hogy akar ragasztonak is hivhatnak, de otthon ugyanugy el lehet kesziteni a vaj-porcukor "ragasztot" :) 
Jo sundorgest! 
P.S. "Don't call me a porcupine!" :))))

P.S.2. These are the photos LoLo brought to school ... Time flies!
Ezt a ket fotot vitte LoLo az oviba ... Repul az ido!

If you'd like more hedgehog kind of stuff or need some creative news in your life, you may "like" me on Facebook or sign up for a newsletter (or both)! I have many exciting projects in store to share and hopefully more often. 

Ha szeretnel maskor is sunis ujdonsagokrol hallani vagy kreativ dolgokrol olvasni/tanulni klikk a "like" gombot a Facebook LoLoVie oldalan. Meg sok-sok mas kreativ otlet sundorog a fejemben amit majd itt megosztok! Sziasztok!
LO(lo)V(i)E, LV